zaterdag 5 november 2011

The Khazar Theory Refuted&Examined.

other articles on this blog on this topic:

Khazars became Christian source: The World of the Khazars (Book)

ONLY 500 Upper Class Khazars became Jewish source: Khazar Studies Passim by Dunlop.

Myth 1:khazars were turkic.

khazars were Actually a Caucasian race.Their king Joseph, in answer to the inquiry of Hasdai Ibn Shaprut of Cordova (c. 958), stated that his people sprang from Thogarmah, grandson of Japhet, and the supposed ancestor of the other peoples of the Caucasus. The Arab geographers who knew the Khazars best connect them either with the Georgians (Ibn Athir) or with the Armenians (Dimishqi, ed. Mehren, p. 263);

whilst Ahmad ibn Fadlan, who passed through Khazaria on a mission from the caliph Moqtadir , positively asserts that the Khazar tongue differed not only from the Turkish, but from that of the bordering nations, which were Ugrian.
There were Khazars and Kara (black) Khazars. The Khazars were fair-skinned, black-haired and of a remarkable beauty and stature; their women indeed were sought as wives equally at Byzantium and Bagdad; while the Kara Khazars were ugly, short, and were Ugrian.

the only thing wich led scholars to believe they were turkic,was the possible similarity between their city names and Hungarian.however their land was occuppied by huns,as was most of europe,at some point.

the Arabs called everyone beyond the black sea''Turks'',as did the Greeks Call everyone beyond the black sea''Scythians''.

however in all Accounts we know the khazars were a Caucasoid race.

Myth 2:

khazars were jews.

According to Ibn Fadlan, Ibn Dastah, and others, ONLY THE KING AND THE GRANDEES WERE FOLLOWERS OF JUDAISM. The rest of the Khazars were Christians, Mohammedans, and heathens; and THE JEWS WERE IN A GREAT MINORITY." (Jewish Encyclopedia)
In this city (Khazaran-Itil) are Muslims, Christians, Jews and pagans. The Jews are the king, his attendants and the Khazars of his kind. (footnote: 'i.e., presumably THE RULING TRIBE of ‘White Khazars’).'" (Koestler, pp. 15,60)

Besides Judaism, other religions probably practiced in areas ruled by the Khazars included Greek Orthodox, Nestorian, and Monophysite Christianity, Zoroastrianism as well as Norse, Finnic, and Slavic cults. The Khazar government tolerated a wide array of religious practices within the Khaganate. Many Khazars reportedly were converts to Christianity and Islam.
A Greek Orthodox bishop was resident at Atil and was subject to the authority of the Metropolitan of Doros. The "apostle of the Slavs", Saint Cyril, is said to have attempted the conversion of Khazars without enduring results.

-Al-Masu'di The Book of Golden Meadows, c. 940 CE

Some of the Sources actually Difer as to wether only the Royal family became jewish .we have a obscure statement that all khazars were a arab scholar who never visited khazaria.

myth 3.khazars were jews and moved to europe.

Al Istrakhi, Massudi witnessed Khazars converting to Islam.

in 985 a  Group of turkish Attacked the khazar land,and the khazars appealed to the people of khorezm,but the latter denied Assistance saying they were infidels(al-kuffar),but if they converted to islam they would help.they converted to islam except their king,then the people of khorezm helped them and forced the turks to let them free,and after it their king also became muslim''(Ibn al Athir)

 the References to khazars after the sack of Attil are mistakes.for Example. many of thesse references are using "Khazars" in a general sense (the Arabs, for example, called all steppe people "Turks"; the Romans/Byzantines called them all "Scythians")

At least one 12th-century Byzantine source refers to tribes practicing Mosaic law and living in the Balkans; see Khalyzians. The connection between this group and the Khazars is rejected by most modern Khazar scholars.

On the linguistic side, well known Turcologist, A.N.Poliak, regards the Karaite Jews in Poland and the Crimea as the principal present-day representatives of the ancient Khazars,
Some modern Crimean Karaites seek to distance themselves from being identified as Jews, emphasizing what they view as their Turkic heritage and claiming that they are Turkic practitioners of a "Mosaic religion" separate and distinct from Judaism.

Ashkenazim however practice Talmudic Juda-ism...


Myth 4,jews are khazar.

Khazaria fell in around the year 1090 AD; the arrival of Jews in Eastern Europe and the area that was once Khazaria did not take place until around 1492.

The first Jews to reach Germany were merchants who went there in the wake of the Roman legions, and settled in the Roman-founded Rhine towns. The earliest detailed record of a Jewish community in Germany, referring to Cologne, is found in imperial decrees issued in 321 and 331 C.E. (2)

There were Jews in Russia from the first centuries C.E., although numbers there were small for several centuries. However, Jews emigrated to the Caucasus and beyond, and formed countless communities, at the time of the wars between the Muslims and Persians during the 7th century.(3)

 Jews arrived in Pannonia (Yugoslavia) and Romania in the Third Century

In 1500, the number of Jews in the country is estimated to have been only 50,000 souls; a century and a half later, it had risen to half a million-Cecil Roth  (1970). A History of the Jews

There were however by most scholarly Accounts 8 million khazars!

With the onset of the Crusades, and the expulsions from England (1290), France (1394), and parts of Germany (15th century), Jewish migration pushed eastward into Poland, Lithuania, and Russia.


The first Jews arrived in the territory of modern Poland in the 10th century. By travelling along the trade routes leading eastwards to Kiev and Bukhara, Jewish merchants (known as Radhanites) crossed the areas of Silesia. One of them, a diplomat and merchant from the Moorish town of Tortosa in Spanish Al-Andalus, known under his Arabic name of Ibrahim ibn Jakub, was the first chronicler to mention the Polish state under the rule of prince Mieszko I. The first actual mention of Jews in Polish chronicles occurs in the 11th century. It appears that Jews were then living in Gniezno, at that time the capital of the Polish kingdom of the Piast dynasty. The first permanent Jewish community is mentioned in 1085 by a Jewish scholar Jehuda ha-Kohen in the city of Przemyƛl.

The first extensive Jewish emigration from Western Europe to Poland occurred at the time of the First Crusade in 1098. Under Boleslaus III (1102–1139), the Jews, encouraged by the tolerant regime of this ruler, settled throughout Poland, including over the border in Lithuanian territory as far as Kiev. Boleslaus III for his part recognized the utility of the Jews in the development of the commercial interests of his country. The Jews came to form the backbone of the Polish economy and the coins minted by Mieszko III even bear Hebraic markings


pale of settlement

another problem with the khazar theory is that jews were only allowed to live in certain Areas of the Russian Empire:


Yiddish is a Germanic Language with no turkic Influence,all jews from Eastern Europe speak Yiddish.this proves their Origin in Germany not Khazaria.

the Crimean karaites,however are the main descendants of the khazars who remained jewish.

Israel is majority sephardic

ethnic Makeup of Jewish Population of Israel[citation needed] TOTAL 5,818,000 100% Mizrahi Jews and Sephardic Jews 2,921,000 50.2% Morocco 800,000 15.2% Iraq 404,000 7.7% Yemen 295,000 4.9% Iran 236,000 4.0% Algeria/Tunisia 224,000 3.8% Other Asia 150,000 2.5% Turkey 147,000 2.5% Libya 136,000 2.3% Egypt 112,000 1.9%
Ashkenazi Jews 2,767,000 47.5% Russia 1,018,000 20.9% Poland 400,000 8.3% Romania 351,000 7.6% Other Europe 168,000 3.7% North America (Including 4,000 African American Black Hebrews) 165,000 2.8% Germany/Austria 160,000 2.7% Latin America 82,000 1.4% Bulgaria/Greece 97,000 1.9% Hungary 63,000 1.3% Czechoslovakia 60,000 1.2% South Africa 20,000 0.4%

So the Majority of jews in israel are Sephardic.even if  all ahkenazi jews were khazars,what of the 50% Mizrahi population in the Israeli State?

where should they go back to?

 what of the white jews?why are mizrahi jews more darker then ashkenazi jews?

mizrahi jews on Average look no Different then a Ashkenazi (on Average),the Average Ashkenazi is not white,but dark haired,fair complexioned,hooked nosed,and slim headed,a group of traits not at all close to Turks or mongoloids.

the frequency of Yemenite jews to be darker can be Attributed to the fact many of them are Converts from the time of dhu al-nawas al-himyari.

arabs are darker because they are 75 % Hamite.temani jews are mostly Arabs converted to judaism.

 sephardics and iraqi jews look nothing like them.

True israelite jewish family from Yemen.

Typical Syrian Aramean Family.

iraqi jews.

persian jew bahar soomekh.

Iranian jews


why are some jews light with Brown hair or blue eyes?

repeated ecclesiastic interdictions of mixed marriages - e.g., by the Council of Toledo, 589; the Council of Rome, 743; the first and second Lateran Councils 1123 and 1139; or the edict of King Ladislav II of Hungary in 1092. That all these prohibitions were only partly effective is shown, for instance, by the report of the Hungarian Archbishop Robert von Grain to the Pope AD 1229, complaining that many Christian women are married to Jews, and that within a few years "many thousands of Christians" were lost in this way to the Church.

There is an ancient tradition, recorded by Graetz, which attributes the origin of the earliest Jewish settlements in Germany to an episode reminiscent of the rape of the Sabine women. According to this tradition, a German unit, the Vangioni who fought with the Roman legions in Palestine, "had chosen from the vast horde of Jewish prisoners the most beautiful women, had brought them back to their stations on the shores of the Rhine and the Main, and had compelled them to minister to the satisfaction of their desires. The children thus begotten of Jewish and German parents were brought up by their mothers in the Jewish faith, their fathers not troubling themselves about them. It is these children who are said to have been the founders of the first Jewish communities between Worms and Mayence.

 Cossack rapist fathers:

Such violent infusion of Gentile blood into the veins of the flock of Israel has been especially frequent in Slavonic countries. One of the favourite methods of the Cossacks to wring out money from the Jews was to take a large number of prisoners, knowing well that the Jews would ransom them. That the women thus ransomed were violated by these semi-savage tribes goes without saying. In fact, the "Council of the Four Lands", at its session in the winter of 1650, had to take cognizance of the poor women and children born to them from Cossack husbands during captivity, and thus restore order in the family and social life of the Jews. Similar outrages were ... again perpetrated on Jewish women in Russia during the massacres in 1903-5.22

Conclusion:Ashkenazi jews are not khazars,maybe the Crimean karaites are khazars,but the ashkenazim are not khazars.

Yiddish is a Germanic language.Crimean khazars also are not jewish.Karaite judaism was a Egyptian Sect.

the Two should not be Confused as one.Crimean karaites are muslim.Qaraites are Egyptian.

we also have found that Khazars all became muslim.

so today the khazars would not be jewish but muslim.

we alos have a steady pattern of migrations from Germany to russia,and not the otherway around,as the khazar theory would desire.

4 opmerkingen:

  1. I read your comments in another forum and want to respond to them as well as to this essay.

    The specific type of Y-DNA R1a among Ashkenazic Jews has recently been identified as a Central Asian variety - not a European variety - and is the same type that's found among peoples in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region such as Pathans/Pashtuns and Hazaras.

    Joining with that is Y-DNA G2c which is found among both Ashkenazim and Pashtuns. So your claim that R1a came to Ashkenazim from Germans is wrong.

    The Khazars certainly originated at least in part from Turkic and other peoples of Central Asia. (The Q haplogroup among Ashkenazic men is possibly a signal of this but we are not sure.) Some Khazars married into Caucasus tribes like Alans but your denial of their Turkic nature goes against most of the old documents.

    We have no concrete evidence of what the Khazars looked like and the old documents about their physical appearance are contradictory. You can't make a solid case that they all looked like Japanese people. That is only your opinion.

    Your statements denying that Ashkenazim have no Khazar ancestry at all are extreme. Of course, the proportion is small, but it does seem to exist according to the genetic and historical evidence. Some Khazarian Jews settled among the Byzantine Jews and married with them, and some Byzantine Jews settled in eastern Europe.

    My direct paternal line has been proven to be Sephardic, by the way, but in recent times we were all Ashkenazic in our family.

    I strongly disagree with your claim that Mizrahi Jews look similar to Ashkenazi Jews. Also I notice you are quick to accept the partial Arab ancestry of Yemenite Jews, and to consider the false idea that Crimean Karaites may be Khazars, so why does it bother you so much about the partial Khazar ancestry of Ashkenazic Jews?

    Read my book "The Jews of Khazaria, Second Edition" for some details that we knew before the year 2007, and I collected more recent evidence at

    Kevin Brook

    1. ''The specific type of Y-DNA R1a among Ashkenazic Jews has recently been identified as a Central Asian variety - not a European variety - and is the same type that's found among peoples in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region such as Pathans/Pashtuns and Hazaras.

      Joining with that is Y-DNA G2c which is found among both Ashkenazim and Pashtuns. So your claim that R1a came to Ashkenazim from Germans is wrong.''''

      could you refer me this Study?


  2. ''''the Khazars certainly originated at least in part from Turkic and other peoples of Central Asia. (The Q haplogroup among Ashkenazic men is possibly a signal of this but we are not sure.) Some Khazars married into Caucasus tribes like Alans but your denial of their Turkic nature goes against most of the old documents.''''my citations were merely from contempararies of the khazar kingdom wich did not believe they were turkic.

    as for Q in Ashkenazi men,this is no proof of khazar ancestry,for one,Q is very very rare in ashkenazi men.

    secondly,Q could have been injected in the ashkenazi genepool by way of cossack Rape.there is no 100 % way to determine if it is khazarian or Cossack.

    ''You can't make a solid case that they all looked like Japanese people. That is only your opinion.

    the khazars today look like Japanese/east asiatic is a Video on todays khazars:

    since khazars today are east-asiatic in appearance,and have dramatically different skull shapes then caucasoid Ashkenazi alipinids.the logical conclusion si that there is very little relation between the two.

  3. ''I strongly disagree with your claim that Mizrahi Jews look similar to Ashkenazi Jews. Also I notice you are quick to accept the partial Arab ancestry of Yemenite Jews, and to consider the false idea that Crimean Karaites may be Khazars, so why does it bother you so much about the partial Khazar ancestry of Ashkenazic Jews?''''

    Firstly,i''m not a Scholar,my post is merely a opinion of mine,to counter anti-ashkenazi propoganda.imm not a historian or anthropologist nor do i claim to be one,or be better in the field then those with Degrees.

    I''m a 19 yr old college student,and i dont make any claims of mine to be authoratative in the Academic world.

    Iraqi jews-in my subjective opinion-look very Ashkenazi,as do Iranian jews.pale skin,blondness and rufosity is not uncommon among amsterdam the sephardic jews are lighter then the ashkenazi ones!my post merely illustrates that jews do not look all that different from each other.

    if you take a mizrahi out of the sun he will be as light as a ashkenazi and vice versa.

    Sir,i Excplicetely wrote:''Crimean khazars also are not jewish.Karaite judaism was a Egyptian Sect.

    the Two should not be Confused as one.Crimean karaites are muslim.Qaraites are Egyptian.

    Crimean Karaites call them selves Turkic,and they re NOT jewish but a muslim Tatar sect.''Karaites''are a Mizrahi Jewish Off-Shoot sect from Egypt.

    my point in demonstrating this is that many people say :Look!those karaite Crimean turks are ''jews''yet speak turkic and are Openly Turkish,so that proves Ashkenazi people are Turkic aswell!

    i merely wanted to Refute this Assertion people make.

    my article is not intended as a scholarly essay ,it is just my personal answer to the khazar theory used by anti-Semites.
