zondag 19 juni 2011

MuHammad Misquoted The Nevi'im.

There are some  Versions of the quran,wich contain discrepancies in the Text,The most common in use Being Hafs(used by most since 1924) and Warsh(still used in North and west africa )and Al-duri used in Sudan.

Differences in qu’rans:

                يَعْمَلُونَ تَعْمَلُونَ you do, they do Al-Baqara 2:85 مَا تَنَزِّلُ مَا نُنَزِّلُ we did not send down, you did not send down Al-ijr 15:8 قُل قَالَ he said ,say! Al-Anbiyā' 21:4 كَثِيرًا كَبِيرًا mighty, multitudinous Al-Azāb 33:68 بِمَا فَبِمَا then it is what, it is what Al-Shura 42:30 نُدْخِلْهُ يُدْخِلْهُ he makes him enter ,we make him enter Al-Fat 48:17 While these differences  Are due to the fact Arabic letters contained no dots until long after the qu’ran was Created,they are all unauthentic and God would preserve his perfect book if it came from him.
Muslims acknowledge there are 10 versions of the qu’ran,they only claim 7 of the the ten were revealed by allah,a claim wich contradicts logic and has no source within Actual Study(the seven ‘’revealed ahruf are not the 7 differences today)

The reason these differences are important is because this suggests multiple authors,If Allah –Aza wa Jal-Had spoken these words ,he would Recall them in their exact form.to say he is paraphrasing is a problem for two reasons:

1.Paraphrasing implies some kind of ignorance
2.The Verse Says Qala:He Said or Qalat:She Said,or Qalu:they said,not Qala an,Qalat An or Qalu an:the word An would be valid in paraphrasing,as it is like saying :Richard said THAT she is beautifull(An Richard Hiyya Jameelah)while Richard could have said actually :Anti Jameelah mithl al-Shams wa ‘l Qamar’’by saying an instead of Qal you are summarizing what Richard said,not Quoting him! However the quran says Qal,Therefore quoting verbatim what they said.An is Equivelant to ‘’That’’in English.
My search in Babylon Translation also reveal these words wich Allah could Have used,had he been the Author of the Qu’ran:
أن A
  إلى هذا الحد
Ala hadha al7d
على الرغم من
3la’lrghm meen

إلى حد بعيد
Ala 7d b3id

(im writing it as its written,i cant read arabic without diacritic marks)

In any case if this were a intention of paraphrasing,God would use one of these formulas.

God speaks to the Angels:
15:28 Behold! Thy Lord said to the angels: "I
am about to create man from sounding clay
from mud molded into shape

38:71 Behold! Thy Lord said to the angels: "I am
about to create man from clay

God Evicts adam and Eve from the Garden:

7:24 He said: “Get ye down, one of you an
enemy to another; and for you on the earth
there shall be a habitation and provision for
a season.
20:123 He said: “Get ye down from it all
together one of you an enemy to another; but if
as is sure there comes to you from Me
guidance whosoever follows My guidance
will not lose his way nor fall into misery.

7:59 We sent Noah to his people. He said: “O
my people! Serve Allah! Ye have no other
god but Him. Verily I fear for you the
punishment of a dreadful day!
11:25,26 We sent Noah to his people: “I have
come to you as a plain warner: that ye serve
none but Allah. Verily I fear for you the
punishment of a grievous day.
Abraham confronts his people’s Idolatry:
21:52 Behold he said to his
father and his people: “What
are these images to which you
are devoted?”
26:71 Behold he said to his
father and his people: “What
do you worship?”
37:85 Behold he said to his
father and his people: “What
is that which you worship?”

21:53 They said: “We found our fathers
worshipping them.”
26:74 They said: “No, but we found our fathers
doing this.”

Moses sees the burning bush
20:10 He said to his family:
“Wait! Verily, I have seen a
fire, perhaps I may bring you
from there some burning
brand, or find some guidance
at the fire.”
27:7 when Musa (Moses) said
to his household: “Verily! I
have seen a fire, I will bring
you from there some
information, or I will bring
you a burning brand, that
you may warm yourselves.”
28:29 He said to his family:
Wait, Verily I have seen a
fire; perhaps I may bring you
from there some information,
or a branch from the fire that
you may warm yourselves

Allah speaks to Moses at the burning bush
27:9, 10 “O Moses! Verily I am Allah the
Exalted in Might the Wise! Throw down your
28:30, 31 “O Moses! Verily I am Allah the
Lord of the Worlds! Throw down your stick!”

Allah instructs Moses about the leprous hand
20:22 “Now draw thy hand
close to thy side: it shall come
forth white without stain
27:12 “Now put thy hand into
thy bosom and it will come
forth white without stain
28:32 Move thy hand into
thy bosom and it will come
forth white without stain

The sorcerers challenge Moses
7:115 They said: “O Moses! Wilt thou throw or
shall we be the throwers?”
20:65 They said: “O Moses! Wilt thou throw or
shall we be the first who throw?

The sorcerers repent
7:120-122 But the sorcerers fell down prostrate
in adoring, they said: “We believe in the Lord
of the worlds. The Lord of Moses and Aaron.”
20:70 So the sorcerers fell down prostrate in
adoration: they said “We believe in the Lord of
Aaron and Moses.”

Pharoah’s threat to the sorcerers
7:123 Pharaoh said: “Believe ye in him before I
give you permission? Surely this is a trick
which ye have planned in the city to drive out
its people: but soon shall ye know (the
20:71 He said: “Believe ye on him before I give
you permission? Surely this must be your
leader who has taught you magic! Be sure I
will cut off your hands and feet on opposite
sides and I will have you crucified on trunks
of palm-trees:

Allah’s instructions to Moses
26:52 Then depart with My slaves. Surely,
you will be pursued.”
44:23 And depart with My slaves by night.
Surely, you will be pursued.
Instructions to the people of Israel
2:58 And remember We said: “Enter this town
and eat therein as ye wish plentifully ; but
enter the gate prostrating and say “Forgive
us” and We shall forgive you your faults and
increase (the portion of) those who do good.”
7:161 And remember it was said to them:
in this town and eat therein as ye wish but say
“Forgive us” and enter the gate prostrating;
We shall forgive you your faults; We shall
increase (the portion of) those who do good.”

Saleh warns the people of Thamud
7:73 He said: “O my people!
Worship Allah; ye have no
other god but Him. Now
hath come unto you a clear
(sign) from your Lord! This
shecamel of Allah is a sign
unto you: so leave her to graze
in Allah's earth and touch her
not with harm lest a grievous
punishment seize you.
11:64 And O my people!
This she-camel of Allah is a
sign to you: leave her to graze
on Allah's earth and touch her
not with harm lest a swift
Penalty seize you!
26:155, 156 He said: “This
shecamel has a right of
watering and ye have a right
of watering on a day
appointed. Touch her not with
harm lest the Penalty of a
Great Day seize you.”

Zakariyah talking to Angel:
3:40 He said: “O my lord! How shall I have a
son, seeing I am very old, and my wife is
19:8 “He said: “O my lord! How shall I have a
son when my wife is barren and I have grown
decrepit from old age?”

The angel speaks to Zakariya
3:41 He said: “Your sign will be that thou will
speak to no man for three days, except with
Yusuf ali,main qu’ran Translator for muslims,Notes about surah Seven:

These verses, 58-59, may be compared to vii. 161-162. There are two verbal differences. Here (ii. 58) we have "enter the town" and in vii. 161 we have "dwell in the town." Again in ii. 59 here we have "infringed (Our command)," and in vii. 162, we have "transgressed." The verbal differences make no difference to the sense. (Ali, The Holy Quran - Translation and Commentary, p. 31, f. 72; )

Definatly,the Verbal  and or Wording differences do not Affect Theology at all,or the intended meaning,but The qu’ran is quoting a dialogue here,both contrasts can’t Be Right.

The pagans in muhammad's Town had a similar criticism of muhammad that he borrowed tales of the ancients and being taught these stories day and night by someone or more, ,the quran testifies to this:
And they say: "Tales of the ancients, which he has caused to be written: and they are dictated before him morning and evening."

Surah 25:5

it is very possible Muhammad Hearing these Stories,got confused,as is human nature and Didn''t Remember the details.

Also  4:82 states: Do they not ponder on the Qur'an?
Had it been from other than Allah,
they would surely have found therein much discrepancy.

And indeed I agree!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Why can't both versions be correct?
    This also occurs in Judaism: The versions of the Decalogue (asereet ha dibrot) given in Ex. 20:2-17 and Deut. 5:6-18 are different in many important ways (look it up for yourself, this is a wordpress comment not a crash course on answering critiques of Judaism). One reason given by the sages for the discrepancy is
    יב אַחַת, דִּבֶּר אֱלֹהִים--שְׁתַּיִם-זוּ שָׁמָעְתִּי: כִּי עֹז, לֵאלֹהִים.
    God hath spoken once, twice have I heard this: that strength belongeth unto God;
    That is, although when man speaks once, he is heard once, when the Holy One, praised be He, speaks, He can be heard more than once--even differently.
    When it comes to quoting the speech of men or angels, when discrepancies arise, there could be many reasons: perhaps one is what the man said in his heart, and the other is what he said with his mouth; perhaps one is what he was commanded to say, but the other is what he actually said; etc. I'm not a scholar and can't give you the specifics of each case, but I just want to point out that there can be valid reasons for verses to be entirely different, that do not discredit the verses.
    About pronunciation dots: the same "controversy", if you want to call it that, occurs in Judaism concerning placing pronunciation dots in the text. They do not occur in the original manuscript (and therefore, the ones used in shuls), but are commonly printed in versions used for personal study (such as hardcover books printed by artscroll). HOWEVER, that being said, there are of course a small number of dots over a dozen verses; the origin of these dots, according to some of our sages, was that when Ezra sat down to compile the scriptures, he found some of the documents damaged and some words unreadable; so he superimposed his most learned approximation of the word and marked the verse. He then said that when Elijah would come, Elijah would say what the verse was supposed to say. I talk more about that on my blog JudaismtoIslam.blogspot.com

  2. ;;;Why can't both versions be correct?''''

    The Qu'ran is Quoting a Dialogue.not paraphrasing it.

    what the Aggadic literature says about the Torah is Irrelevant to The Qu'ran.

    as far as i know a particular Rabbi did not know the number of words in the Torah due to his lack of being able to see!

    that put aside:anytime you reject the Authenticity of the torah you deny the statements of your holy book.

    so if Chazal said the Torah was Corrupted,and muhammad says it is Preserved...you belive Chazal over MuHammad correct?

    and since whne did a muslima,believe the words of Chazal?

    and as a former jewess,when did jews Accept the opinions in the Haggada as 100 % truth?

    you should know many Irrational things exist in the Aggada,and Chazal even admitted to being Wrong on certain issues.

    so torah aside.wich one is right?using chazal to explain the quran is very ...how you say...kafiric.
